Premier Home Repairs proudly installs Leaf Relief system on all of our gutters in the Seattle area. Leaf Relief is for all standard size gutters and is the most effective type of gutter protection. Leaf Relief is great for your Seattle rain gutters! It keeps natural debris, such as twigs and leaves from blocking your gutters. According the Leaf Relief website, “Leaf Relief can drain 29.7″ of rainfall an hour-that’s more than the highest rainfall ever recorded in one hour.” And it gets even better! Not only is it the most effective, it is also the most invisible! It fits snugly on top of your existing gutter.
It is also completely weather and pest resistant, staying securely in place. It is built to withstand heavy amounts of snow and ice, high winds, ladder damage, and pest invasion. One definite benefit to Leaf Relief is that it also mounts directly to your gutter. You do not need to attach to your roof or lift any shingles!
Don’t have standard sized rain gutters? Well, we have a solution for that, too! PlyGem, the makers of Leaf Relief have also made an adjustable version! It is designed to fit 4″-5″ gutters. Other options include the Leaf Relief Combo Hanger which supports the full expanse of the gutter. This helps add strength to protect your system if you live in an area with heavy debris or leaves as well as heavy snow and ice. Do you have Half Round Gutters on your Seattle home? We even have a Leaf Relief made specifically for that! Our last option is the Leaf Relief for Zip Hangers. If you have questions or are unsure about which gutter cover is best for you, look no further! We are happy to come out and explain your options based on your rain gutters. Leaf Relief has been certified by Home Innovation Research Labs. That means it is proven to work and also complies with the specific green practice criteria in the National Green Building Standard.
In addition to a great product, Leaf Relief also comes with a great warranty!

Adjustable Leaf Relief

Leaf Relief Combo Hanger

Leaf Relief for Half Round Gutters